Sidney Creutz
Inorganic, Organometallic
Bruno Donnadieu
Inorganic, Materials/Polymer
Joseph Emerson
Biochemistry, Inorganic
Bioinorganic chemistry, transition metal catalysis in biological systems
Nicholas Fitzkee
Biochemistry, Computational, Materials/Polymer, Physical
Protein solution structure, flexibility, dynamics, protein-surface interactions, functionalized surfaces.
Simulations and predictions of proteins and NMR observables. NMR spectroscopy, physical mechanisms of adsorption.
Mahesh Kumar Gangishetty
Inorganic, Materials/Polymer, Physical
Organic-inorganic hybrid materials, quantum dots, spectroscopy, and devices.
Optoelectronic Devices; LEDs and Solar Cells.
Keith Hollis
Inorganic, Materials/Polymer, Organic, Organometallic
Bioantonymous ligand design, catalyst design, and natural products
Christopher N. Johnson
Developing descriptions of ion channel biophysics & understanding how accessory proteins and enzymes aid or impair ion conduction.
Techniques that we commonly use: Molecular Dynamic Simulations, Recombinant Protein Production, Solution NMR, X-ray Crystallography, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Whole Cell Patch Clamp Electrophysiology, and Calcium Imaging of Isolated Cardiomycoytes.
Virginia Montiel-Palma
Analytical, Inorganic, Organometallic
Miguel Muñoz-Hernandez
Analytical, Inorganic, Materials/Polymer, Organic, Computational, Organometallic
Dennis Smith
Materials/Polymer, Organic, Organometallic
Charles Edwin Webster
Biochemistry, Computational, Inorganic, Materials/Polymer, Organometallic, Physical
Computational and synthetic studies of bioinorganic, inorganic, and organometallic systems
David Wipf
Analytical, Materials/Polymer
Electrochemistry, corrosion with materials applications, and scanning probe microscopy
Dongmao Zhang
Analytical, Biochemistry, Materials/Polymer
Raman spectroscopy of biomolecules and protein modification.
Nanomaterials, nanoparticles, and surface chemistry.